Task types in Toloka: content creation

Toloka Team
by Toloka Team

We're continuing our series of articles on the different kinds of tasks Toloka has to offer. After covering area selection and classification, we're going to look at content creation: who these tasks are the best fit for, what you have to do for them, and what you should bear in mind throughout the process.

The tasks themselves

Content creation tasks have you generate something yourself, most often text, a video, a picture, or audio. The cards have a special button with an icon that looks, for example, like a microphone or camera. If you read the instructions, you'll see exactly what you're supposed to create.


Let's talk about the main kinds of content creation tasks.

Pictures. This might be taking a selfie in a hat, glasses, a blue shirt, or a specific pose.


Video. Here, you take a video of a specific process.


Audio. These tasks have you record yourself talking into the microphone.


Text. You might have to write a caption for a picture, come up with a product description, or decline a noun.


Other content. In rare cases, the customer will ask you for an archive or table, for instance, rather than a picture, a video, text, or audio.

Number of objects per task: You'll find anywhere from one to dozens.

Average execution time: As this depends on the kind of task and how involved it is, the time could range from less than a minute for a selfie to several minutes spent recording three consecutive videos.

Payment method: You're paid once the task owner checks what you submit. That could take from several hours to several days.

Task reward: This averages from $0.05 to $0.20. Depending on the project and the amount of content you need to generate, it could be more.

What you should know: If you follow the directions exactly and complete a task only to have it rejected and your reward not paid, you can submit an appeal.

Completing content creation tasks

Let's take an example of the most popular kind of task: taking pictures.

Task: Take three pictures with an empty, transparent plastic bottle. For the first picture, you're supposed to hold the bottle in your hand. The second picture should be a head-on view of the bottle on a table, while the third is a 45-degree angle.


​​Make sure:

  • Every picture meets the requirements (for example, keep your hand out of that second picture).
  • None of the pictures are blurry.
  • There's enough light in the room.

Be sure the pictures upload completely when you attach them. Wait until that's done to click Submit.

Accessing tasks

  1. Meet the task author's requirements. Something specific is sometimes needed for these tasks — a picture of a skin condition or videos with a pet, for example. If you don't have that condition or pets, don't even start the task. Whatever you come up with will probably not be accepted.
  1. Read the instructions carefully. For instance, the task owner might ask you to take clear pictures of something in daylight. If you don't do that, the task won't be accepted, and you won't receive your reward.

  2. Consent to have your personal information processed (pictures, videos, and audio). In the task instructions and description, the owner tells you exactly what they need, how they're going to use it, and where they're going to store it. Accepting a content creation task means you agree to those conditions.

If a task has you getting someone else's information, be sure to let them know you're submitting it to Toloka. You can read more about how we protect user information in our Privacy Policy.


Why content creation

Companies take the content Tolokers create and use it to develop artificial intelligence. For example, pictures of different people help technology correctly identify poses, while audio recordings help with intonation.

The task author often writes in the task why they're looking for specific pictures, videos, or audio as shown below. Please read the instructions carefully.


Wrapping up: the key to content creation with Toloka

  • These simple tasks are perfect for Tolokers willing to follow the author's instructions, be they for taking a picture from a certain angle or recording a few phrases.
  • Tasks are available in the app and on the website. With that said, they're usually easier to do on your phone since you'll be doing something like taking videos or selfies.
  • Before you complete a task, make sure you check to see that the files uploaded completely.
  • You'll get your reward after the task owner checks your submission.
  • Completing tasks like these means following the instructions precisely. If you submit blurry pictures, choppy audio, or awkward videos, the requester will most likely reject them.
  • If you're sure you followed the instructions to the letter but your content was still rejected, you can submit an appeal.
  • The content you create is used to train artificial intelligence.
Article written by:
Toloka Team
Toloka Team

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